

Monday, September 1, 2014

(17) My favorite Chinese food (Sauteed bell pepper and beef of Sen-saikan in Ochanomizu, Tokyo)

Sauteed bell pepper and beef of Sen-saikan in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.

Sen-saikan is a Chinese restaurant.

But, this is a popular and common dish also in Japanese casual restaurants originally derived from Chinese ones.

And if you are a fun of Haruki Murakami, you may remember this meal used in "The wind-up bird chronicle".
A lead character cooks it while he is waiting for his wife's coming home, though he cooked spaghetti at the opening of this story.

The daily special was this meal and I ordered it.

The oil of beef wraps the grass-odor and brings out the fresh flavor of bell pepper.
Beef and bell pepper may be one of the best pair to go together.

But, this restaurant is famous for hot and spicy food like Sichuan dish of tofu and minced meat.

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