

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

(126) Heart-thrilling KATSU-DON! and SOBA (Pork Cutlet bowl of OKINA-AN in Ueno)

Pork Cutlet bowl of OKINA-AN. Japanese name is KATSU-DON.
Cook Fried pork cutlet gently until soy-sauce taste goes into well, and finally, add beaten egg.
You can adjust the hardness with the time of opening of top.

In Japanese TV program, the policeman often use this KATSU-DON to make the crime suspects confess their guilty when they interrogate them. 

This restaurant is also famous for SOBA.

(2) Onion (Negi) Soba
This soba is a little bit different from typical Japanse soba.
The soup is usually cold, but this one (left) is warm, and includes negi and fried squid.

From November, many soba-shops serve new soba that is harvested in this season.
It is slightly greenish and has good scent.


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